When the nail is broken, it is mandatory to cut the others. Otherwise, the remaining nine will be longer than the one that broke. As a result, your hands will look very strange. Can you imagine walking down the street with one of your nails cut them short?
The nails grow based on a protein that secretes the body called keratin. When the body does not produce enough of this protein, the nails grow weak and very slowly. As industries have seen this need, they have created many products to harden them. However, we want to show you a home method to do it.
This home remedy will protect every nail of your hands and feet. In addition, it will keep them free of bacteria and infections that affect their health. Also, the ingredients you will need to prepare this remedy are garlic, vitamin E and lemon. The 3 are easy to get and very cheap, so money will not be a problem.
On the one hand, garlic contains sulphurous substances that penetrate the skin under the nails. As a result, it nourishes them from within and gives them strength. On the other hand, vitamin E is responsible for moisturizing and stimulating its growth at high speed. Finally, the lemon helps to eliminate yellow spots that may have, as well as onychomycosis.
If you know someone who has Bunions, tell them that this potent home remedy is the solution to eliminate it.
What we will need:
– Transparent nail polish
– Lemon juice
– Vitamin E
– Garlic
Preparation and use:
To begin, we should take the garlic and peel it very well. Then, we will soak it in hot water for 15 minutes. Afterwards, we will remove it and crush it until it becomes a paste. Immediately, we will add the substance inside the capsule of vitamin E
What remains to be done is to shake all the ingredients inside the enamel jar. In this way, we will achieve that all the properties mix well and have a better effect. This remedy should be put in a cool place so that it macerates all day.
Finally, we will apply the nail polish on our nails. We must paint it to form a thin layer of this substance. At the end of the day, you will remove the enamel with acetone or enamel remover. The next day you will repeat this process, and you will do it until you get the desired results.
Although this process can be repeated as many times as you want, 8 days are enough to obtain amazing results. If you do not believe us, check it yourself. We encourage you to repair this remedy and see the fabulous results you will get. If you think your friends may be interested in this information, share it with them on your social networks.