Acne is a skin condition which has affected four-fifths of the total population on the globe. It severely affects our appearance and can give us a painful sensation due to the inflammation of our skin. These very complexities can give rise to the question – how to get rid of acne overnight? Inflammations are not just limited to the facial skin but can also be found in areas like the neck and chest. The choice of a product for such a complexity must be made with utmost care as they may possess unwanted side-effects. Acne can severely distort our appearance that may lower our confidence drastically. Worried by the thought- how to reduce acne overnight?  The wait is over as there are several possible ways to treat acne effectively within the four walls of our house without us having to move out.

1 Ice Cubes
Acne is associated with inflammation which is quite painful in nature.  The pores of the facial skin become bigger owing to the complexity and tend to accumulate a lot of warmth in the affected areas. In order to reduce the skin inflammation immediately the choice of ice can prove to be a very effective option. So how to get rid of acne overnight using ice cubes? Rubbing ice on the skin can help in significant reduction of inflammation. It makes the skin numb that can prevent the affected areas from regaining the warmth which in turn can prevent inflammation to a certain degree. If the affected area is very large we must apply ice cubes on the skin by division into sections. If the entire facial skin goes into a numb state at once, it can really turn into an irritating experience. Ice cubes generally reduce the size of the pores and can help in providing instant relief from acne.

2 Fresh Potatoes
Tackling acne is no easy task by any means. It can get really difficult at times as the affected areas radiate a lot of heat and the facial skin gets distorted. We are always in search of agents that can give us relief from such a situation overnight. One such intriguing option that may help us with the purpose is fresh potatoes.

How to get rid of acne overnight using fresh potatoes? We just need to slice a fresh potato and then apply the pieces on the affected areas of our facial skin. Rubbing the potato slices on the face in a gentle manner can prove to be super effective for the skin. We just need to leave the potato juice on the skin for fifteen to twenty minutes for quick results. Once absorbed by the skin, we can wash our skin using Luke warm water.

3 Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is a well famed anti-bacterial agent. Acne is generally caused by bacteria clogging up the pores. Application of tea tree oil in such scenarios can help in the elimination of the bacteria from the skin that can help in instant relief from acne. How to get rid of acne overnight using tea tree oil? Using tea tree oil for acne is a very easy process. We just have to apply the oil on the face for five to ten minutes before washing our face. The anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil can help relieve the skin from inflammation that can help in the disappearance of acne overnight.

4 Raw Tomatoes
Most of us are aware of the fact that tomato juice is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. This very point can help us understand the beneficial aspects of its use for acne reduction. Acne is generally formed due to bacteria clogging up the pores of our facial skin. Therefore how to get rid of acne overnight using tomatoes? In order to treat acne effectively, we can cut the tomato into small pieces followed by crushing them into a fine paste. Once the preparation of the paste is complete, we can simply apply them to the facial skin. Leaving it on the face for twenty or more minutes can not only ensure neutralizing acne but can also help in removing scars on the face.

5 Citric Acid in Lemon Juice
Bleaching the facial skin can help in reduction of acne in addition to improving the skin tone. Many of us visit the salon for bleaching sessions in order to even out the skin. Lemon contains citric acid that can act as a natural bleach and can help in reduction of pimples. How to get rid of acne overnight using lemon juice? Lemon is available in most households. We just have to extract the juice from lemon and mix it with water slightly to attain a slight dilute nature. Once ready we can apply the solution of the affected areas and leave it for fifteen minutes. Using lemon juice daily can help us prevent acne effectively.